Question is asked the same question, really. There are a bunch of other things which I consider as important, which are not quite as large, but also complex. For example, better font handling across the board, like there's bunch of open issues with regards to font selection, font fallback, warnings, loading fonts from files, bundling fonts with packages or templates. So there's a lot of design space to be explored there, but it is quite important. Okay, what is the vision of the Typst Universe package approval process? Long term, especially as the amount of packages and updates would increase over time?
实际上,这个问题和之前问的差不多。还有一些我认为很重要,但规模没那么大,但也比较复杂的事情。比如,全面提升字体处理能力,像字体选择、字体回退、警告、从文件加载字体、将字体与包或模板捆绑等方面,都存在很多未解决的问题。这方面有很多设计空间可以探索,而且非常重要。好的,Typst Universe 包的审批流程的愿景是什么?特别是长期来看,随着包的数量和更新的增加?
Yes, that's definitely something we've discussed. And in the team, the question is to like, to what extent, for example, do you can involve AI? We think that ultimately human review will be required to meet the requirements such as Typst Universe, especially the naming requirements. But we want to automate more of the process and we want to move into a model where some authors with like a good track record have a certain level of trust and can, for example, publish updates rapidly without blocking on human review.
是的,这绝对是我们讨论过的事情。团队内部的问题是,比如,在多大程度上可以引入 AI?我们认为,最终仍然需要人工审核来满足 Typst Universe 的要求,特别是命名要求。但我们希望更多地自动化这个过程,并希望转向一种模式,即一些拥有良好记录的作者可以获得一定程度的信任,例如,可以快速发布更新,而无需等待人工审核。
Especially for updates. Yeah, I think we could make that faster for initial. I think in general, the naming rule has been a success. People might have different opinions on that, but I personally consider it a success. I would say it's a larger success for packages than for templates, especially for templates, lots of templates are just the descriptive name with the prefix modern.
Yeah, that's a bit of a disaster. But yes.
it's a bit defeating the purpose of the thing. Not really since but there still isn't one canonical package versus which is the point of the rule. But yeah, it's not great, but. Yeah, overall. Well, I could, I could imagine. I mean, and I also some thoughts on this, but right now it's already pretty automated. And we also want to have a custom basically website to submit packages in the future, gotta moving away from GitHub. And then aside from the name, there really isn't that much that needs to be checked manually. So I think the process can be scaled without basically not being true to its core anymore.
这有点违背了初衷。倒也不是说完全违背,因为仍然没有一个规范的软件包,而这正是规则的意义所在。但总的来说,情况不太好。嗯,我可以想象。我的意思是,我对此也有一些想法,但现在它已经相当自动化了。而且我们将来也想拥有一个定制的网站来提交软件包,从而摆脱 GitHub。然后,除了名称之外,实际上没有太多需要手动检查的东西。所以我认为这个过程是可以扩展的,而不会背离其核心。
Yeah, and one thing that will make us migrate away from the repository eventually is not only that the number of package submissions is growing, but also the size of that repository is growing. And at some point, it becomes untenable to keep it in Git.
最终促使我们放弃这个仓库的原因,不仅是提交的软件包数量在增长,而且仓库的规模也在增长。在某个时候,用 Git 维护它变得难以为继。
Yeah, greetings to next packages.
Yeah, maybe. Imagine you can take this one with a journalist.
Yeah, so right now we're working, started working together with a publisher and larger publisher in Scandinavia was not only publishing scientifically, but sort of across the board to work on a Typst enabled process. And that will be an interesting case study. What we think is that the typst adoption in the sciences basically needs to come bottom up. We think that Typst it is and should be adopted first for teaching, for theses, for tech reports, and for submissions where users publish camera ready documents and that only then there is leverage and demand in the community that allows us to approach publishers. So that's like from the social engineering side and also from the technical side and being a compelling proposition to the publishers.
好的,所以现在我们正在和一家出版商合作,是斯堪的纳维亚半岛一家比较大的出版商,他们不仅出版科学类书籍,也出版其他类型的书籍,一起合作开发一个支持 Typst 的流程。这将会是一个有趣的案例研究。我们认为 Typst 在科学领域的应用基本上需要自下而上地进行。我们认为 Typst 应该首先被用于教学、论文、技术报告以及用户提交相机就绪文档的场景,只有这样,社区中才会有足够的推动力和需求,从而使我们能够与出版商进行合作。所以这是从社会工程的角度来看,同时也是从技术的角度来看,使其成为对出版商有吸引力的提议。
As businesses, we think that we want to flesh out HTML's support and bring it out of the experimental stage so that doing submissions and is really compelling with regards to multi-channel channel, independent publishing, and getting a web version of a paper right away. And that could bring the publisher a tangible benefit. And at that time, it's a survival for us to approach them to do deals. I don't think that currently work manpower is best invested in approaching publishers because I think those projects have quite long lease cycles.
作为企业,我们认为我们应该完善对 HTML 的支持,并使其脱离实验阶段,以便在多渠道、独立发布和立即获得论文的 Web 版本方面,提交内容真正具有吸引力。这可以为出版商带来切实的利益。到那时,为了生存,我们需要与他们达成协议。我认为目前投入人力去接触出版商并不是最佳选择,因为我认为这些项目的周期相当长。
Whereas one quick interruption. I think we learned from the previous multi calls is that not just we, but also you want a bit more interactivity? It's quite a frontal right now. So if you want to speak at any point in time, you can just request to speak and then you can also just tell us your question or tell us your opinion so that we can have a bit of more of a discussion here. Only if you don't do that, we will just continue to read the Q&A.
so for example Adrik has raised their hand. Hey, Adrik?
比如,Adrik 举手了。嘿,Adrik,你好吗?
Yes, let's mute.
Request him to unmute. If I can do that on Discord, I don't think so. Yes.
请求他取消静音。如果我能在 Discord 上做到,我想应该也可以在这里做到。是的。
Adrik Ivanov
yes, okay. So I have also posted it on Slido, but, you said that there is warichū or whatever in the roadmap. So as far as I know, what is like Japanese and CJK annotation for text, kind of like the footnotes and also Ruby and then some, no, something relating to Japanese typesetting. How far along in the development process is it going to take to get a point, the CJK typesetting things, CJKV?
好的。我也在 Slido 上发布了,但是,你说路线图里有割注之类的东西。据我所知,那是指日语和 CJK 文本的注释,有点像脚注和 Ruby,还有一些与日语排版相关的东西。
So, what we, what I can say is that we have this is maybe also an announcement.
要到什么程度的开发过程才能实现 CJK 排版,CJKV?我们可以说——这也许也是一个公告……
We will hire a new Rust developer, full time Rust developer soon. Thanks to external funding from a company that we will also disclose soon, I think. And CJK will probably not be their first focus, but I think this could be a focus. So right now we're just quite stretched for resources. But once that person is more, basically. Involved in the project then, I could imagine, for example, making CJK a priority there. So I really can't give a time frame, but I would say in the medium term, it is definitely a priority.
我们很快会聘请一位新的全职 Rust 开发者。感谢一家公司的外部资助,我们也会尽快公布这家公司。CJK 可能不会是他们首要关注的重点,但我认为这可以成为一个重点。所以现在我们的资源非常紧张。但是一旦那个人更多地参与到项目中,我就可以想象,例如,将 CJK 作为优先事项。所以我真的无法给出时间表,但我想说,在中期,这绝对是一个优先事项。
Yeah, and what I also want to say in terms of CJK is that we are really dependent on the community for the moment since we do not have any native speakers of any CJK language or even a second language speakers of a CJK language on our team. So we don't really know firsthand what the conventions are. And I think we've got a few amazing contributors in the community. For example, around Tinymist, where a lot of the community members contributing there are from China. And then also in the main compiler repo, and that we are dependent on the input and export. And I would say that if you're a resident of either France or Germany, then you should keep your eyes peeled if you want to join us as a full time developer for Rust in our team and, um, we will post a job posting here on our Discord and it will be visible on GitHub and on our web page as well.
是的,关于 CJK(中日韩统一表意文字),我想说的是,目前我们非常依赖社区,因为我们的团队中没有任何以 CJK 语言为母语的人,甚至没有以 CJK 语言为第二语言的人。所以我们并不真正了解第一手的惯例。我认为我们在社区里有一些很棒的贡献者。例如,在 Tinymist 方面,很多贡献者都来自中国。然后在主编译器仓库中,我们也依赖于大家的输入和输出。我想说,如果你是法国或德国的居民,如果你想加入我们的团队,成为 Rust 的全职开发者,请密切关注,我们将在 Discord 上发布招聘信息,GitHub 和我们的网页上也会显示。
I mean this is a small ad ad segment. This is will be the dream open source job because we are contractually obliged because this wrote a sponsors that the person only works on open source stuff.
Exactly and in the chat with regards to only hiring in Benelux, only hiring in Germany and France or and not in Benelux, they say speakers, we have our payroll setups for Germany and France and really for each European country. You need your own payrolls accountant and we are not in the business of collecting payroll accountants now and hiring outside of the European Union is even more complicated. And ultimately, that's money we want to pay as a salary and not to some third party accountant.
If another person that had requested to speak. Shockjaw? I'll invite you to the stage.
Thanks, I appreciate you dragging me up here.
One thing I am kind of curious about, is the potential roadmap for tagged PDFs for like accessibility requirements and other fun stuff like. What that roadmap may look like?
我有点好奇的一件事是,带标签的 PDF 的潜在路线图,比如可访问性要求和其他有趣的东西。这个路线图可能是什么样的?
Yeah, so the first thing that will need to happen, but to make this journey start is that the outstanding pull request and to migrate Typst to killer needs to be completed and merged. So this is something that Laur also Laurenz, like me, is working on. He's also in the call. That is also sort of a bit blocked on me, but this is definitely something we want to get done for v0.14. And then hopefully we'll also start with tagging. v0.14 will most likely not have and full support that we can really confidently say tagged true, but we will start and then hopefully continue over the next release or releases. But it is alongside HTML the top priority on the compiler side. I'm curious. I'm curious whether you have had requirements for tech PDF or whether you're just an accessibility enthusiast.
好的,要开始这个过程,首先需要完成并合并待处理的 pull request,将 Typst 迁移到 killer。Laur,也就是 Laurenz,和我都在做这件事,他也在这次会议中。这件事也稍微卡在我这里了,但我们肯定想在 v0.14 版本中完成。然后希望我们也能开始使用 tagging。v0.14 版本很可能不会有完整的支持,让我们能自信地说 tagging 为 true,但我们会开始,然后希望在接下来的一个或多个版本中继续。但在编译器方面,它与 HTML 一起是最优先事项。我很好奇_我想知道你是否有对 tagged PDF 的需求,或者你只是一个无障碍爱好者。
As a part of my government work, yes. PDF 2/A requirements are part of it.
作为我政府工作的一部分,是的,PDF 2/A 是其中一部分要求。
An arduous requirement nonetheless.
Yeah, sounds like a lot of things are coming off the back of HTML support, which I'm quite stoked about. Exactly, and we also have a contributor contributing, as Laurence said, new PDF stag. So there should be a lot of work on tech PDF coming from that as well.
是的,听起来很多东西都是基于 HTML 支持而来的,我对此感到非常兴奋。没错,正如劳伦斯所说,我们还有一位贡献者在贡献新的 PDF 功能。因此,在 tagged PDF 方面应该会有很多工作。
Yeah, it should take credit, but purchase Duo. I think this is the larger thing that enables this now than the HTML work. All right?
是的,……。我认为这比 HTML ……
Exactly, and okay, exactly. You can just request to speak and otherwise we'll keep the storytel in the slider and we'll send an email to the speaker who has with their session and if they come online of they should request to speak. That's the ERP talk. And if not, we'll continue with the call as we are right now.
没错,好的,没错。你可以直接申请发言,否则我们会保持故事在幻灯片中,我们会给会议的发言人发送邮件,如果他们上线,他们应该申请发言。这是 ERP 的讨论。如果没有,我们将像现在这样继续通话。
All right, do we dive into the next top right question? Or do we have .
the third one done? Because the one, so I don't think we have current numbers, but if you want to have a rough idea where we add, then you can go to YouTube and watch the video of Martin's keynotes he gave at the Typst's Berlin meet where some of these numbers are.
第三个做完了吗?因为那个,所以我不认为我们有最新的数据,但如果你想大致了解我们在哪里增加,你可以去 YouTube 观看 Martin 在 Typst 柏林聚会上发表的主题演讲视频,里面有一些数据。
I can just that we have about 10K weekly active users in the web app and that the growth trajectory has recovered from Christmas. And that growth, especially around Typst 0.13 as well, is quite dynamic at the moment.
我可以说我们在 Web 应用中大约有 1 万名周活跃用户,并且增长轨迹已经从圣诞节恢复。而且,尤其是在 Typst 0.13 版本发布前后,增长势头目前非常强劲。
All right, would CeTZ has to be a package level? Typst have some high level capabilities like that directly?
好的,CeTZ 必须是包级别的吗?Typst 是否有一些类似的高级功能可以直接使用?
Um, I think I think question marks betray a French speaker.
Yes, definitely, you can always see a French speaker online, But so, so I, what I want to in the medium term is not replacing CeTZ, I think.
是的,当然,你总能在网上看到说法语的人。但所以,我中期想做的不是替换 CeTZ。
That is not the right direction to go in, but rather to have more useful primitives that packages like CeTZ can use. Right now, they really have to do a lot of basically working around the compiler or shipping complex things. At least that's my understanding of it. So for example, the for the path function, the old one, which is not duplicated, didn't allow for multiscale point path, which is a pain.
那不是正确的方向,而是应该有更多有用的原语,像 CeTZ 这样的包可以使用。现在,他们真的必须做很多基本上是绕过编译器或者发布复杂的东西。至少我理解的是这样。所以例如,对于路径函数,旧的那个,没有被复制的那个,不允许使用多尺度点路径,这很麻烦。
And I could also imagine having things like polygon intersections or binary shape operations natively in typst and better alignment primitives. But it would be more the drawing side and maybe even a bit more low level than CeTZ. Then we do not plan to have plotting built into Typst anymore. Like we had that on our website for a while, but we have removed that. I think that's best left to packages and it's cool that packages can do so many things without having to build everything in.
我还可以想象在 Typst 中原生支持多边形相交或二元形状运算,以及更好的对齐原语。但这更多的是绘图方面,甚至可能比 CeTZ 更底层一点。我们不打算在 Typst 中内置绘图功能了。就像我们之前在网站上放了一段时间,但我们已经删除了。我认为最好留给包来做,而且包可以在不必构建所有东西的情况下做这么多事情,这很酷。
And I also think that, especially with Typst upcoming, if you have seen, for example, make sense's talk about Lilac at the meetup and he's working on that. Yeah, definitely a definitely watch that because it's a great talk. And second of all, I think that with plotting libraries in the community, there can be some competition about API design and stuff. And it's a more dynamic space in which it's easier to like iterate on these giant API surfaces.
而且我也认为,特别是随着 Typst 的发展,如果你看过,比如说,make sense 在 meetup 上关于 Lilac 的演讲,他正在做那个。是的,绝对值得一看,因为那是个很棒的演讲。其次,我认为社区中的绘图库在 API 设计等方面可能会存在一些竞争。这是一个更具活力的领域,更容易在这些巨大的 API 表面上进行迭代。
You see that even just with our official templates, which sadly, less well maintained than many community or let's say the good community templates, our packages, I think spreading things out of the community is good because it just gives just a larger space to the mass stuff, people working on stuff and coming up with stuff.
All right? Then I think we have a speaker request, and I'll invite whomever had that request to stage or no, they've withdrawn their request. This is your opportunity to read request to go to stage. Otherwise, I think we'll move on with the questions.
I guess.
questions. I guess our balance columns are short term goal. If you ask me, they are. I have, yes, yes, and unfortunately, Laurenz is a compiler tech lead, so unless I have been told that in principle they are easy, but there are few annoying edge cases which I don't want to think about right now, not ever.
问题。我猜我们的平衡列是短期目标。如果你问我,它们是。我有,是的,是的,但不幸的是,Laurenz 是一个编译器技术负责人,所以除非有人告诉我原则上它们很容易,但有一些烦人的边缘情况,我现在不想考虑,甚至永远不想考虑。
Yeah, the last part maybe wasn't entirely truthful.
I think the right time for balance comes might have been 0.12 because it's fits with all these relay out things we did then. So that would have deleted even further. In principle? It is not super complex, I think, but it is definitely tricky because it involves relayer to balance things out. And I don't want to really want to drag the focus away from HTML and PDF right now. Yeah.
我觉得平衡的最佳时机可能是 0.12 版本,因为它与我们当时做的所有这些重排版的东西相吻合。所以这可能会进一步删除。原则上来说,它不是超级复杂,我认为,但它绝对很棘手,因为它涉及到重排版来平衡。而且我现在真的不想把注意力从 HTML 和 PDF 上移开。是的。
and I'd say that tax point 12 was like a giant a cycle thriller because the release cycle was so fucking long. We wanted to ship and like two months before the release, we thought we could ship, We could cut the release in 10 days.
我觉得 Typst 12 就像一部巨大的周期惊悚片,因为发布周期太他妈长了。我们想发布,在发布前两个月,我们认为可以发布,我们可以在 10 天内完成发布。
Try refactoring footnotes and making them work in a new layout engine. Another the constant block of release.
like. Like for example, like my family is like, what's what's happening at Typst? So we are working on footnotes, but we're working on footnotes. Four months ago, I was like, yes.
比如,比如,我的家人会问,Typst 进展如何?所以我们正在研究脚注,但我们已经在研究脚注了。四个月前,我就觉得快完成了。
Anyway, so balanced columns, I would say are a medium priority. Probably not 0.14, maybe 0.15. It's...
总之,我认为平衡列是一个中等优先级的功能。可能不会在 0.14 版本中发布,也许会在 0.15 版本中。
Yeah, it can excuse for me personally, after this call.
And if someone wants to step up, I think that is possible, but tricky. So I'm definitely open to it. But to step up for this, you would basically need to get your mind into this whole relay out thing, maybe read the layout blog post I wrote, and maybe start a discussion in the layout forge. And then it can be done as a community contribution. Otherwise it we'll need to wait for one more one or two releases.
如果有人想主动承担,我认为这是可能的,但很棘手。所以我对此持开放态度。但要主动承担这件事,你基本上需要全身心投入到整个布局相关的事情中,也许可以读一下我写的布局博客文章,也许可以在布局的 forge 中发起讨论。这样就可以作为社区贡献来完成。否则,我们需要再等一到两个版本。
Yeah, and I hear that Tinger has a water situation on his hands in the chat, so I would like to extend my excuses for being too entertaining on this call. I see that that wasn't expected.
好的,我听说 Tinger 在聊天中遇到了问题,所以我想为我在这次通话中过于活跃而道歉。我看到这是意料之外的。
The whole point.
I think, I think that was the whole point. Entertaining sexy people and preparing 5 minutes before. Yes, em, but you can see that since our speakers aren't here, by the way, if you are the speaker for Typst in an ERP session, again, if you're join now, no problem, please request this week. Let's move on to the next operated question. Directory Walking would be awesome for the next version. I have a few use cases for dynamically passing files in my project dictionary directory. Laurenz, Does directory walking violate the guarantees that Typst give to its users or is it okay since in the project dictionary directory.
我觉得,我觉得这就是重点。让性感的人娱乐,并在 5 分钟前准备。是的,嗯,但你可以看到,因为我们的演讲者不在这里,顺便说一句,如果你是 Typst 在 ERP 会议上的演讲者,再说一遍,如果你现在加入,没问题,请在本周提出请求。让我们继续下一个操作问题。目录遍历对于下一个版本来说会很棒。我有一些用例,可以在我的项目目录中动态传递文件。Laurenz,目录遍历是否违反了 Typst 给用户的保证,或者在项目目录中是否可以?
it doesn't violate anything? It needs to have a good interface and in the compiler, basically, and it needs to have a good interface in the language, which is basically two design problems. And if I remember correctly, there is a bunch of discussion around that already on GitHub, and we decided that it is blocked on a path type because if you basically just have a walk or whatever function, then you can't really distinguish well between files and directories. And with a path type, that would be a bit nicer. The path type is something that I definitely also want to ship soon.
它没有违反任何东西,是吗?它需要在编译器中有一个好的接口,基本上,并且需要在语言中有一个好的接口,这基本上是两个设计问题。如果我没记错的话,GitHub 上已经有很多关于这方面的讨论了,我们认为它被路径类型阻塞了,因为如果你只是有一个 `walk` 或者其他什么函数,你就不能很好地区分文件和目录。有了路径类型,会更好一些。路径类型也是我肯定想尽快发布的东西。
I'm not sure the next one after. Basically, the whole path situation also plugs into yielding, for example, multiple files out of one Typst document when doing HTML export. So you have like multiple HTML document I can link to each other that you can navigate between. That's one of the things we want to do, for example, to switch our internal documentation systems payload to Typst, either standalone or integrated into our web framework. And path type is maybe a part of the puzzle there, or at least a related topic.
我不确定下一个是什么。基本上,整个路径的情况也与 yielding 有关,例如,在进行 HTML 导出时,从一个 Typst 文档中导出多个文件。所以你有多个 HTML 文档,它们可以相互链接,你可以在它们之间导航。这是我们想做的事情之一,例如,将我们的内部文档系统 payload 切换到 Typst,无论是独立的还是集成到我们的 Web 框架中。路径类型可能是其中的一部分,或者至少是一个相关的话题。
Yeah. And the path type...
...thought of prepared a bit?
The last with...
The deprecation of the path function, because I didn't just want to swap it out.
And I just wanted to answer the second post. I voted questions since it's so similar to what we've answered before, which is what will be the focus of the next release? And we've all already talked about it a lot. So the focus will be improvements through HTML export like asked and PDF accessibility, as well as like some standards, in particular PDF/UA-1 and PDF/H too, eh.
我只是想回答第二个帖子。我投了重复问题,因为它和我们之前回答过的问题非常相似,也就是下一个版本的重点是什么?我们都已经讨论过很多次了。所以重点将是通过 HTML 导出的改进,比如提问和 PDF 可访问性,以及一些标准,特别是 PDF/UA-1 和 PDF/H too。
Once again, the reminder... This is exactly what I'm talking about. The reminder that if you request to speak, you get protein treatment in response to the questions because we prefer to not speak into the void.
Yes? Welcome back.
Yeah. Thanks for round 2. So I guess mine's a little bit more specific. I've noticed that quarto is kind of taking a liking to Typst for PDF exports. Are there more conversations with Posit as a whole for and...
好的,感谢第二轮。我觉得我的问题可能更具体一些。我注意到 Quarto 似乎越来越喜欢用 Typst 来导出 PDF 了。那么,和 Posit 整体之间,是否有更多关于……的讨论?
maybe hopefully funding. Who knows?
This is the time to mention that Posit is the company that will sponsors of the full of time road.
现在是时候提一下,Posit 公司将会赞助全职的 Road 项目。
Haha, I figured.
And so first of all, thank to them for their support. And second of all, I feel like with their contribution Quatro's needs will have like a direct connection with them and going forward we will have regular syngaps with posets team Carlos from Caro in particular. So if there's something they need, certainly input they are entitled to give.
首先,感谢他们的支持。其次,我觉得有了他们的贡献,Quatro 的需求会和他们直接联系起来,未来我们会和 Posets 团队定期进行同步,特别是和 Caro 的 Carlos。所以如果他们有什么需要,当然有权提出意见。
Then, since somebody else requested to speak, we can continue in the slido. Revoke route update. Yeah, so I think that fits into a general like to the styling topic. There are a bunch of things I don't really like about the styling system. For example, how default `show`, `set` rules work, basically that if you write show heading and then replace it with something entirely else, it's still bold. This was sort of a side effect of the way we changed.
既然有人要求发言,我们可以继续处理 Slido。撤销路由更新。是的,我认为这属于一个更广泛的样式主题。我对样式系统有很多不喜欢的地方。例如,默认的`show`、`set`规则的工作方式,基本上如果你写了 show heading,然后用完全不同的东西替换它,它仍然是粗体。这是我们改变方式的副作用。
It will definitely become a topic again. But not for 0.14. It also ties in with custom elements because for custom elements of the hacks that we have in the compiler, we will need decide whether we expose them or not. For example, we have this locatable annotation on elements in the compiler that basically says, does this work with query? And the reason this exists is because making everything locatable is just not really feasible in the current implementation is too expensive. Our custom, some elements. I don't want to have a locatable annotation, so we'll need to figure something out. And this is also part of the reason why custom elements are for key. Next question is custom elements when we already answered that.
这肯定会再次成为一个话题。但不是在 0.14 版本。它也与自定义元素有关,因为对于编译器中我们所做的自定义元素 hack,我们需要决定是否公开它们。例如,我们在编译器中的元素上有一个可定位的注解,它基本上说明了这个元素是否能与 query 一起使用?之所以存在这个注解,是因为在当前的实现中,让所有东西都可定位实际上是不可行的,成本太高了。我们的自定义元素,我不想有一个可定位的注解,所以我们需要想出一些办法。这也是自定义元素是 key 的原因之一。下一个问题是自定义元素,我们已经回答过了。
And I want to, I just have had a look at the questions that are done there. And I want to pull one up because we already sort of talked about it. Yes UA will be a focus for the next release.
我想,我只是看了一下那里提出的问题。我想挑一个出来,因为我们已经讨论过了。是的,UA 将是下一个版本的重点。
And one thing that I want to add to the whole European regulation, I think, yeah, there's upcoming regulation for accessible documents the Americans cited for a while and the Americans with it. AB, this act, otherwise known as Ada. But there's another piece of European regulation that is upcoming, which is that electronic invoicing will be compulsory for B2B transactions. And that means that you PDF file basically contains an attachment XML file that is machine readable and describes your invoice. And largely thanks to contribution PDF, embedding any file as a feature that shipped in 0.1. But we're still missing the last puzzle piece, which is amending the Pdf's metadata stream such that it says, hey I'm an invoice. And that's something that could certainly ship in a PDF focus release.
我想补充一点关于整个欧洲监管的,我认为,是的,即将出台关于无障碍文档的法规,美国人引用了一段时间,还有美国的 AB 法案,也就是 Ada。但还有一项即将出台的欧洲法规,即电子发票将成为 B2B 交易的强制要求。这意味着你的 PDF 文件基本上包含一个附件 XML 文件,该文件是机器可读的,并描述了你的发票。很大程度上要感谢 PDF 的贡献,嵌入任何文件都是 0.1 版本中的一个功能。但我们仍然缺少最后一块拼图,那就是修改 PDF 的元数据流,使其声明,嘿,我是一张发票。这肯定可以在 PDF 重点版本中发布。
Okay, so on the question of which breaking changes you would like to do, if you had something to change the Typst right now, what would it be so? I have an old message in the Discord server about that, and part of it is still applicable. So let me just link that in the chat, A bunch of it would maybe be a bit different though, but some of these things I still would like to change, but they're just so, so large breaking changes that we sort of have to bundle them to not make it a horrible experience.
好的,关于你想做的重大更改的问题,如果你现在要更改 Typst,你会改什么?我在 Discord 服务器上有一条关于此的旧消息,其中一部分仍然适用。让我把它链接到聊天中,其中很多可能有点不同,但其中一些东西我仍然想改变,但它们是如此巨大的重大更改,以至于我们必须将它们捆绑在一起,才不会造成糟糕的体验。
Okay, will it be possible to write tabs universe readme of packages in types?
好的,是否可以用 Typst 编写关于包的 tabs universe 自述文件?
I would say that it's safe to say that yes, once HTML export is more mature.
我认为可以肯定地说,是的,一旦 HTML 导出更加成熟。
And have you considered? Yeah.
the list is old. Not all of the things in the list are accurate. I just didn't want to make a new list now because I don't have any.
and I don't have a new list, That's what I want to say because that was not English.
yeah. All right, let's go for the next question. Have you considered a way to give more? Version compatibility, Just compiler version and all other packages. I would like to maybe invite the guy.
And so many of them became breaking with Evers. And I was wondering if there would be maybe a way to define a maximum version... compatibility version with Typst or something that could be useful.
很多包在最新版 break 掉了。我在想是否有可能定义一个与 Typst 的最大版本兼容性或类似的东西,这可能会有用。
This has come up a bunch of times, but it's sort of tricky because if you put it in your Typst ???, you basically didn't look into the future, right?
这个问题已经出现过很多次了,但这有点棘手,因为如果你把它放在你的 Typst ???中,你基本上没有考虑到未来,对吧?
Yeah. That's the issue. And so I was just wondering if you had maybe discussed of a system that could work for this, because I saw there was an issue on GitHub, I think that was closed for the reason you just said.
I think the only way I can see doing it is having this metadata externally somehow in Typst Universe. But what I dislike about that, I don't really want the compiler to make choices depending on separate metadata that doesn't come with a package, because the package doesn't necessarily come from type universe. It should come from a directory or somewhere else. I think a better way to go about this is to have. I'm not quite sure whether I would have this in the compiler, but definitely in things like Tinymist and the web app now just to upgrade packages. And we could we have like a warning. Oh, this package is outdated. Perhaps try updating it if there's an error.
我觉得我能想到的唯一方法是在 Typst Universe 中以某种方式外部存储这些元数据。 但我不喜欢这样,我真的不希望编译器根据与包不在一起的单独元数据做出选择,因为包不一定来自 type universe。 它应该来自一个目录或其他地方。 我认为更好的方法是拥有。 我不太确定是否应该在编译器中加入这个,但肯定会在 Tinymist 和 Web 应用程序中加入,以便升级软件包。 我们可以发出一个警告,例如“哦,这个软件包已过期。 如果出现错误,请尝试更新它。”
I was in a culture talk with someone who was using the Springer paper templates. So Springer paper template, basically. And she said, oh, it's not compatible with Typst 0.13 because it didn't updated...
我当时在和一个使用 Springer 论文模板的人进行文化交流。就是 Springer 论文模板。她说,哦,它与 Typst 0.13 不兼容,因为它没有更新……
Says I could imagine that we introduced a new package submission process. Typst could be aware of the test suit offer package Typst could be aware of, all right there examples. And new readme and we need those to compile. And if they stop compiling, then Typst Universe will start like graying out the package and displaying a warning. This thing is not compatible with the latest Typst version. So basically that would mean a problem each release, rerunning acceptance shapes against the packages and marking the packages that don't pass as not compatible.
我觉得我们可以设想一下,引入一个新的包提交流程。Typst 可以知道测试套件,提供包 Typst 可以知道的例子,都在那里。还有新的 readme,我们需要它们能够编译。如果它们停止编译,那么 Typst Universe 就会开始灰显该包并显示警告,提示此包与最新的 Typst 版本不兼容。所以基本上,这意味着每次发布都会出现问题,需要针对这些包重新运行验收形状测试,并将未通过测试的包标记为不兼容。
Well, I think there's a bunch of things we can do, but ideally outside of the compiler. Thank you?
Because there'd be a place like Typst Universe that store showcase of article projects written in Typst.
因为会有一个像 Typst Universe 这样的地方,存储用 Typst 编写的文章项目的展示。
Yeah, which I just wanted to say, this is a place like this on a forum. I think it's less discoverable than Universe, the showcase category on the forum. But in principle, you can go there and post and it's meant for things like this. Exactly, so let me just bring up the link. Or. Yeah exactly. Yeah.
是的,我只是想说,论坛上也有类似的地方。我认为它不如 Universe 那么容易被发现,论坛上的展示类别也是如此。但原则上,你可以去那里发帖,它是为类似的事情准备的。没错,让我把链接发出来。或者,是的,没错。
something you could do is have Typst Universe be a bit more of a hub to explore other things like showcasing the forum and stuff. That's the way it was intended. That's where it's called the Typst Universe.
你可以做的是让 Typst Universe 成为一个中心,去探索其他东西,比如展示论坛之类的。这才是它原本的意图。这就是它被称为 Typst Universe 的原因。
Yeah, and we could definitely do that. And maybe also if the person who has asked the question has some more input on what they've thought about then. They can come up to the stage or maybe put it in the chat so we can have a better idea.
Is this person telling you the farm is down right now from from 10 people clicking on it or no?
这个人告诉你现在服务器宕机是因为有 10 个人点击它造成的吗?还是什么原因?
I fucking hate Discourse. I fucking hate her so much. Just let me control the cubes real quick.
我真他妈讨厌 Discourse,我太讨厌它了。让我赶紧控制一下这些立方体。
Okay, for me it is sort of working. It's just slow.
Yeah, it...
seems that it's really, it's really sad, like it's not, not a lot of people.
Yeah, it's said it is wet and weird. Yeah, let's not talk about it.
好的,他们说它又湿又怪。 好的,我们别谈这个了。
I mean, there are large discourse forums. I don't know whether we're doing something wrong, but .
我的意思是,有很多大型讨论论坛。 我不知道我们是不是做错了什么,但是...
I'm don't know how they do it. They must run it on like the fucking...
Microsoft Mariana 1.
微软的 Mariana 1。
Yes, that's a quantum chip for everyone who hasn't seen, and it really does have a name that is almost as ridiculous. But enough renting about this course. Let's, em.
This is a nice question. Who are the current team members and what do they each work on? So I can start? I'm working on the compiler as the core compiler developer. Martin can continue.
这是个好问题。目前的团队成员有哪些,他们各自负责什么工作?我可以先开始吗?我作为核心编译器开发者,正在研究编译器。Martin 可以继续。
Yeah I'm working on the web app and the home page and I'm currently go working on the brand a bit too and making the homepage better. So that's exciting.
是的,我正在开发 Web 应用程序和主页,目前也在做一些品牌方面的工作,并改进主页。这很令人兴奋。
Well I'm working on a compiler and I mostly work on layout stuff. Or you might have seen like some features like line numbers simple, which was a very unexpected feature. And I see the lots of work on tables. For me, the tables guy.
Well, I guess I can also answer. I'm working on plushies. Yeah I'm basically working on brands and like typst's brand and other aspects of the company. Yeah, thank you.
嗯,我想我也可以回答。我正在做毛绒玩具。是的,我基本上在做品牌,比如 Typst 的品牌和公司的其他方面。好的,谢谢。
And I'm a developer to, and I used to contribute to the compiler a little, but I mostly work on the web app these days. And I'm also like the chief package officer. So I review all the packages that are submitted, the Typst Universe.
我也是一个开发者,以前也为编译器贡献过一点代码,但现在我主要在 Web 应用程序上工作。我也是首席包管理官,负责审核所有提交的 Typst Universe 包。
Exactly, and Ana is currently working on a secret upcoming Typst Pro future.
没错,而且 Ana 目前正在开发一个秘密的 Typst Pro 特性项目。
Top secret.
Top secret. I mean, there are upcoming Sub Pro features that are unexpected.
绝密。我是说,即将推出的 Sub Pro 功能会出乎意料。
Yes, not the one she's working on though, anyway. And is content flowing into designated areas on the roadmap? Yes, I would say yes. Not in the near future, but in the medium to far future.
In the Typst lingo that is called box chaining. And I think there's a GitHub issue for that.
在 Typst 的术语里,这叫做盒子链。我觉得 GitHub 上应该有个 issue 讨论过。
Maybe. There was some discussion about it briefly after 0.12 with some ideas being thrown around. Maybe it was in the layout for it so? Probably doable to find that if you're interested in it. If you don't get I'm just seen it.
可能吧。0.12 版本发布后,曾经有过一些简短的讨论,也提出了一些想法。也许是在布局相关的讨论里?如果你感兴趣,应该可以找到。如果你没找到,我好像见过。
Any updates or thoughts on internal introspection re-layouting to circumvent the five layout reiteration limit without increasing it? Asking for frame? We see you. Local introspection is certainly something that is appealing to us, and I think it has not come up since. When worked on the new table of contents four times.
关于内部 introspection 重新布局,有没有什么更新或想法,可以在不增加五次布局迭代限制的情况下绕过它?要 frame?我们加了。局部 introspection 对我们来说肯定是有吸引力的,而且我觉得自从上次我做了新的目录之后,就再也没有人提过了。
but I at least done at least on my end.
All right, and should I repeat what I said before?
I think now it's better.
And basically that's by Ana. It's something we worked on. Would have liked to have when we did the new outlines and I think Laurenz may have some more thoughts to share.
基本上,这是 Ana 做的。是我们一起完成的。希望我们在做新的大纲时就能有这个,我想 Laurenz 可能会有更多想法要分享。
Yeah, so maybe we do sort of have something in the end, re-layouting, em, recompiling, realizing, and resell everything. We have something similar in layout engine already for read outing a page to make footnotes work and to make floating figures work and stuff. So it's natural to it have the middle ground between we read out the whole document, we re-layout the page, and we relayed something that the user specifically asked to be relay outed and stabilized locally. But I have not yet thought about it really, what would be needed to implement that and to expose that. So it's a design discussion we can start, but, yeah, I don't have any updates or thoughts to share right now.
There some of the, let me quickly finish on the side of the diagnostics. If it does not converge, the title of the next question, I guess. So we don't have plans to increase the number of introspection loops, at least not in a way where the user can control it. I may accept at one day that it might need to be 6 or 7, but we don't have plans to make it user configurable. There's a bunch of discussion about that on GitHub and thoughts about how we can still improve the situation and make it easier to debug. I think that's best just write up on. I can share the link if I can find it.
关于诊断方面,让我快速说完。如果它不收敛,那就是下一个问题了。所以我们没有计划增加内省循环的次数,至少不会以用户可控的方式增加。我可能会在某一天接受它可能需要 6 或 7 次,但我们没有计划让用户可以配置。GitHub 上有很多关于这方面的讨论,以及关于我们如何改进这种情况并使其更容易调试的想法。我认为最好写下来。如果我能找到,我可以分享链接。
And we are also considering, for example, allowing you to, in a debug environment in the web app, for example, view the document at each in iteration of the introspection group or maybe even like limit them down so you can use it to debug and see where things have gone wrong. So that's something we're considering. But this one of those instances where we are negotiating with terrorists and just have to tell the community to write better packages.
我们也在考虑,例如,允许你在 Web 应用程序的调试环境中,查看内省组每次迭代时的文档,或者甚至可以限制它们,这样你就可以用它来调试并查看哪里出了问题。所以这是我们正在考虑的事情。但这属于我们与恐怖分子谈判的情况之一,只能告诉社区编写更好的包。
Yeah, we will just have the entire ecosystem if we make it configurable. Do you think typst release and tinymist release needs to be somehow synchronized? It's an interesting question. I wonder if it comes from the tinymist folks or not. Probably not, but what? Be more interesting if it would.
如果把它做成可配置的,我们就能拥有整个生态系统。你觉得 Types 和 Tinymist 的发布需要某种同步吗?这是个有趣的问题。我想知道这问题是否来自 Tinymist 的开发者。可能不是,但如果真是那样会更有趣。
It is interesting because I recently thought again about auto formatting on the web app and we still haven't really decided yet on how we do that, whether we integrate a community formatter or whether we write our own. And the problem even already starts ignoring everything else with the fact that when I make a Typst release, I also published the web app at the same time. So I can't really wait for the Typstyle maintainers to upgrade Typstyle to the new Typst version because I need it right away. And so these are definitely interesting problems. But I think so far it's been working well with having tinymist on its own release schedule and well, then maybe the tinymist developers have thoughts on there, but.
这很有意思,因为我最近又在考虑 Web 应用上的自动格式化问题,我们还没有真正决定如何处理,是集成社区的格式化工具,还是自己编写一个。问题甚至在忽略其他一切之前就已经开始了,因为当我发布 Typst 版本时,我也会同时发布 Web 应用。所以我不能真的等着 Typst 维护者将 Typst 升级到新的 Typst 版本,因为我需要立即使用它。所以这些绝对是有趣的问题。但我认为到目前为止,让 Tinymist 拥有自己的发布时间表运作良好,也许 Tinymist 开发者对此有想法,但是…
Yeah, the tinymist, I'm very, very impressed by the development there. It's probably them oops. I, another...
We continue to, we continue to joke that @Myriad-Dreamin is actually 20 people.
我们一直开玩笑说纸夜实际上有 20 个人。
All right, let's move on to the next question. Will Typst support the digital signature spec and then linked Adobe spec? And I think the answer in the medium term will be no. Why? Because like, I basically don't want to ship stuff in typst that is better suited for specialized tools. And I think that it is more well suited for software that integrates into Typst.
好的,让我们继续下一个问题。Typst 是否会支持数字签名规范?我认为中期来看答案是否定的。为什么?因为我基本上不想在 Typst 中加入更适合专业工具的东西。我认为它更适合集成到 Typst 中的软件。
Furthermore, I think that with digital signatures especially, people's requirements are very different based on where they are. For example, for some people, a digital signature from a document reader might be enough. Some people require additional signature to be exclusively from DocuSign, others yet, for example, we in the European Union have a digital signature standard where the only digital signature that is actually corresponds to a physical signature on paper is when you verify with your government issued ID or have a voice chat with an agent, which is a service that we can not offer. I can see integrating third party signing kit into the typst web app with Typst Pro, but I can not see building it into the Typst compiler.
此外,我认为对于数字签名,不同地区的人们的需求差异很大。例如,对某些人来说,文档阅读器提供的数字签名可能就足够了。有些人则要求必须是 DocuSign 提供的签名。还有一些人,例如欧盟,我们有一个数字签名标准,只有通过政府颁发的身份证验证或与客服进行语音聊天才能实现的数字签名,才真正对应于纸质签名,而我们无法提供这种服务。我可以看到将第三方签名工具包集成到 Typst Web App 中,并作为 Typst Pro 的一部分,但我认为无法将其构建到 Typst 编译器中。
Do we have plans for another meetup? Do we want to spend another full week preparing things? And then at the day of the meetup, drive with a car, sharing and car to get 20 pizzas from the pizzeria clothes to the authors?
我们有计划再搞一次线下聚会吗?我们想再花整整一周时间准备吗?然后在聚会当天,开车,拼车,从披萨店拿 20 个披萨,分发给作者们?
Wait, what? Driving in the car?
Any plans for another meetup this year? I missed the first one and would be soaked to go to the next. The pizza is awesome, which is why why it was worth it. We could have gotten pizza from any place and they would have delivered it to us, but the pizza they have, it's better, but they don't deliver it.
Yeah, I would say that's like rank theft Laurenz.
I did pay it. (Laugh)
Yeah, indeed. And I think there will be a meetup this year, but, and there will be Pizza again, I think. Yeah. And we asked people identify, it was hilarious. And the next time when I arrived, like a sorting algorithm, I will make it be aware of spaces.
Sorry for all the insiders, people, you need to come to the Meetup villain if you want to learn more about these.
Yeah, and I think the people who have been there can attest to it's having been a lot of fun, I hope. And we had a speak request for about 5 seconds. But this is a meeting.
是的,而且我想去过的人可以证明那真的很有趣,我希望如此。我们收到了一个大约 5 秒钟的发言请求。但这是个会议。
I didn't invite them. You can, you can join the stage unless you have retracted it again.
Okay, maybe not.
Okay, wait, I'll just invite to become a speaker. Okay.
right. Okay, well, will it that be possible to actually write some package in Rust instead of having to manage the WASM API? Probably no, because then needs to be compiled in some way. And WASM is the best way.
好的,那么,有没有可能用 Rust 编写一些包,而不是必须管理 WASM API?可能不行,因为那样需要以某种方式进行编译。而 WASM 是最好的方式。
Yeah, and then you get like platform dependency, and no, thanks.
So I guess you mean like like a plugin that is directly loaded as a dynamic library or something, but there is a secret nightmare, so probably no.
Yeah, I guess this person just wants to implement shell escape. Again, I think what I applied super about raising a number of iterations applies here as well. And I think...
嗯,我想这个人只是想实现 shell escape。再说一遍,我认为我之前说的关于增加迭代次数的建议在这里也适用。而且我觉得…
Confirm now that we have talked about it. And there you go here, could the shadow scpr be reintroduced, but ensure that it can not be used for piracy related purposes?
现在确认一下我们已经讨论过了。然后这里,shell escape 能否被重新引入,但要确保它不能用于盗版相关目的?
There was a Nintendo thing in the PR.
PR 里有个任天堂的东西。
Right, wait, we can talk about it .
On April 1?
Yeah, in a few weeks, three and a half weeks, we can talk about it.
Do you want to answer the old question from 5:07?
你想回答 5:07 的老问题吗?
I think I will do that. Typst is privately funded as a majority. Typst's multiple revenue streams: Typst Pro, Typst on premises and Typst open source support being our commercial revenue streams. Then of course, as we've said before, this call Posit is generously supporting us, as is our community via GitHub Sponsors, the open source. And we are receiving some government grants, in particular from the European Union through the foundation and NL for HTML Export at the moment and save for the European Union money, All of that is private. So I guess, yes, Typst is majority privately funded.
我想我会那样做。Typst 目前主要由私人资助。Typst 有多种收入来源:Typst Pro、Typst 本地部署和 Typst 开源支持是我们的商业收入来源。当然,正如我们之前所说,Posit 慷慨地支持我们,我们的社区也通过 GitHub Sponsors 和开源项目支持我们。我们还收到了一些政府拨款,特别是来自欧盟通过基金会和 NLfor HTML Export 的拨款。除了欧盟的资金,所有其他的都是私人的。所以我想,是的,Typst 主要由私人资助。
Okay, have we ever get the speak request.
okay? Did somebody confirm? But yeah, that okay, interesting. And that way keep us on your to.
Interactive PDF, so I guess you mean forms?
交互式 PDF,所以你指的是表单吗?
I think that we once had a contributor who worked on that, but I think he burnt out from it a bit. And since it's sort of floating in the void.
it's personally for me, not a priority if someone wants to pick it up.
Which is now linked in the chat? We'll. Help basically have things over. And we're also obviously there too discuss things, but it's not a priority.
Yeah, and if you do pick it up and need to draw on on our like PDF, better scars and experience, then we'll also be glad to have a call. But it would be maybe a good idea to familiarize yourself with the issue and.
好的,如果你接手了,需要借鉴我们之前在 PDF 上的经验,我们也很乐意开个会。但最好先熟悉一下问题。
PDF 2.0 and PDF A 4 on the long term roadmap.
PDF 2.0 和 PDF A 4 在长期路线图上。
Certificate types doesn't really do that. Is deprecated in PDF or 2.0 that it needs to do. It has some compatibility behaviors that we would need to remove for the 2.0 export and some other stuff we're to write. But these are mostly like mechanical changes, but PDF Afr won't be a big change to you unless somebody implements forms. So I guess sort of linked together. And I would be interested to know, what's your use case for PDF 2.0 is versus 1.7, which we are outputting right now?
证书类型实际上并没有做这些。它在 PDF 2.0 中已被弃用。它有一些兼容性行为,我们需要为 2.0 导出删除,还有一些其他的东西需要编写。但这些大多是机械性的改变,除非有人实现了表单,否则 PDF Afr 对你来说不会有很大的改变。所以我想这有点关联。我很想知道,你使用 PDF 2.0 的用例是什么,而不是我们现在输出的 1.7?
Now has some thoughts. Maybe he wants to join the stage.
Sorry, you don't have to.
PDF UA 1 is tied to PDF 1.7, and it's true that in PDF 2.0, tagging is different and more rich. And then generate a PDF 2.0 S, some more accessible format, and the PDF UA two standard A requires it and B gives more indep guidance on how to write an accessible PDF.
PDF UA 1 与 PDF 1.7 相关联,确实在 PDF 2.0 中,标记方式有所不同,也更加丰富。然后生成一个 PDF 2.0 S,一种更易访问的格式,PDF UA 2 标准 A 对此有要求,B 提供了关于如何编写可访问 PDF 的更多独立指导。
All right?
Have you thought about improving Typst as a Rust lib, with better docs and word input helpers for diagnostics etc. I mean, sure, we can do that. I think this is a thing that would be fairly easy to contribute to. There's also, for example, the thing that we might want to extract some stuff from the CLI into Typst kit, for example, the watcher. There will, of course, be a bit of bike-shading involved in the APIs.
你有没有考虑过改进 Typst,把它作为一个 Rust 库,提供更好的文档和单词输入助手,用于诊断等等。我的意思是,当然,我们可以这样做。我认为这件事很容易贡献。例如,我们可能想从 CLI 中提取一些东西到 Typst kit 中,比如 watcher。当然,API 中会涉及到一些不必要的争论。
One thing I definitely want to do is re-export the crates that Typst depends on like commemo and stuff from Typst so that it's not as big a hassle to specify the dependencies and get everything into shape. Yeah, I think I think the world `impl` is the word `trait`. It's interesting. It is like there were a bunch of different interfaces before that. This is like the fifth iteration or something, and I think it is good because it's very flexible. But it takes some time to wrap your head around it, so the better docs will definitely be good and not too much work total. I'm not sure exactly what helpers for diagnostics means, but better document world input is definitely something we can.
我肯定想做的一件事是重新导出 Typst 依赖的 crates,比如 commemo 之类的,从 Typst 导出,这样指定依赖项并使所有内容成形就不会那么麻烦了。对,我觉得 `impl` 这个词就是 `trait`。挺有意思的。好像之前有很多不同的接口。这像是第五次迭代了,我觉得挺好的,因为它非常灵活。但需要花一些时间才能理解它,所以更好的文档肯定会很好,而且总的来说工作量也不会太大。我不确定诊断的 helpers 具体是什么意思,但更好的文档绝对是我们能做的。
Person that asked this ones.
Be kind to us.
What meanst? What is the meaning of .
What is the meaning of this? Laurenz, I think it just doomed when you accept it worked. It worked, it worked, it worked.
Can you hear me?
Yes, welcome.
Thank you by diagnostics. Well, this design to build an application using Typst for layouting and generating PDF, and for some energy efficiency certificate related issues.
感谢 diagnostics。这个设计的目的是使用 Typst 进行排版和生成 PDF,以及解决一些能源效率认证相关的问题,来构建一个应用程序。
And I have to dig in the code to learn how to use the library. That's normal, but for instance, when I want to print the warnings and errors, I have to go deep into the library because it it's not very clear how to do it. And sometimes to recreate or some of the afford that you have for right into the console to the terminal. And I had to dig into some label, but there is even from a different crate that it's not entirely, but it seems to be related. So I mean, it's all very spread around and sometimes it's very difficult to understand how all the pieces fit together.
我不得不深入研究代码来学习如何使用这个库。这很正常,但例如,当我想打印警告和错误时,我必须深入到库的内部,因为它不是很清楚该怎么做。而且有时候为了重新创建或者实现你在控制台或终端上拥有的功能,我不得不研究一些标签,但这些标签甚至来自不同的 crate,虽然不完全相关,但似乎有关联。所以我的意思是,所有东西都非常分散,有时很难理解所有部分是如何组合在一起的。
And also the word implementation is really nice once you understand it and maybe even quite easy it. But you have to first understand well what's a file ID and, eh, how you keep the file IDs and how they match between the names of the files and the IDs or how the Typst find a file for a package or a source etc. And there are lots of little missing pieces of information that it would be have better docs on that. But I think it's so fanta-, the library is so fantastic, so great, that I'm sure many more Rust developers would come to improve the library. And the software, they can use it in different ways from the Typst compiler.
而且,一旦你理解了它的实现方式,就会觉得它非常好,甚至可能很简单。但你首先要很好地理解什么是文件 ID,以及如何保存文件 ID,以及它们如何在文件名和 ID 之间匹配,或者 Typst 如何为包或源文件等找到文件。有很多缺失的信息,如果能有更好的文档就好了。但我认为这个库太棒了,太好了,我相信会有更多的 Rust 开发者来改进这个库。而且这些软件,他们可以用不同于 Typst 编译器的方式来使用它。
Okay, I think that's very fair. Sounds to me like it's really primarily a docs issue. And for example, like for the diagnostics, like the interface that Typst exposes is it tries to be as abstract? Well, not as abstract as possible, but as abstract as necessary so that you can read, display it in any way you like in the terminal or in the web app or wherever, and which is why it's a bit removed from just printed to the console, which is why various other crates like codespan reporting are involved. I think we can try to move some of that stuff to Typst Kit, but to me it sounds like the main issue is to read the docs and that makes a lot of sense like the things like file IDs.
好的,我觉得这很合理。听起来主要是一个文档问题。例如,对于诊断信息,Typst 暴露的接口试图尽可能抽象?好吧,不是尽可能抽象,而是根据需要进行抽象,这样你就可以在终端、Web 应用或任何地方以你喜欢的方式读取和显示它。这就是为什么它与直接打印到控制台有点脱节的原因,这也是为什么涉及到像 codespan reporting 这样的各种其他 crate。我认为我们可以尝试将其中一些内容移到 Typst Kit,但对我来说,主要问题是阅读文档,这很有意义,比如文件 ID 之类的东西。
Yeah, and I can say like even back, way back when the file IDs were source IDs, I'd constantly like every two months or something, I have to interact with the web apps while implementation for some reason or other. And every time I have to ask Laurenz, what does the source IDs do and why can't I construct it and stuff like this?
是的,我可以说,甚至早在文件 ID 还是源 ID 的时候,我经常,大概每两个月左右,就不得不因为某些原因与 Web 应用的实现进行交互。而且每次我都不得不问 Laurenz,源 ID 是做什么的,为什么我不能构造它,以及诸如此类的问题?
Yeah. For instance, I only think that README is not having a some way of having access or or packages or some way to extra how to get information from, for instance, embedded packages, from downloaded packages or from. A kiter directory on some directory because those could be quite modular elements. And there is in type this kit. There is a way to have a front-load helper. There's a font load helper, but there's not some helper to get packages from, from the network. You have to search in Typst, and that's another missing part that that are very spread around. There's seeing a Typst embedded packages trait that is quite interesting but difficult to understand how to use it until you know well.
是的。例如,我认为 README 缺少某种访问或获取包的方式,或者某种从嵌入式包、下载的包或某个目录下的 kiter 目录中提取信息的方式,因为这些可能是非常模块化的元素。在 Typst 的 kit 中,有一种预加载助手的方法,但没有助手可以从网络获取包。你必须在 Typst 中搜索,这是另一个缺失的部分,而且非常分散。有一个 Typst 嵌入式包 trait,非常有趣,但很难理解如何使用,除非你非常了解它。
I think? Well, I do. I do like refactoring stuff. So just moving around stuff from the CLI Typst is actually would be a day well spent for me.
我想?好吧,我是这么想的。我确实喜欢重构东西。所以仅仅是从 CLI Typst 移动东西对我来说实际上就是有意义的一天。
Matthew, Matthew considers that a day well spent for me, but I think this is something we can improve in the short term.
Matthew 认为这对我来说是有意义的一天,但我认为这是我们可以在短期内改进的事情。
All right, and thank you for coming to the stage and sharing your feedback.
I think this is something that should be inspiring to other people to join the stage, to join the conversation.
Yes, and be an inspiring leader and affect the change you want to see in typst. And so now we are the first time people on stage it again. But is expert.
是的,成为一个鼓舞人心的领导者,并在 Typst 中推动你想要看到的改变。所以现在我们再次邀请了第一批人上台,但这次是专家。
you don't yet exist, but you would really like to see developers. It's interesting because this was a question that was also asked last time. And we said something about chemistry. And I just recently saw that there is some sort of community working on chemistry packages.
Nice, so you should join those people, especially if you know something about chemistry. I think maybe it's being a stoner comes to those always have surprising breadth of knowledge about chemistry.
Do we have any other packages that we would like to see developed?
Um, so...
I can't even, I can't even keep up with all the tools that @Myriad-Dreamin develops.
Yeah, and so if anybody in this call works at OpenAI, I would ask them to fix their fucking frontier model. It still makes too many mistakes when writing Typst.
是的,如果这次通话中有在 OpenAI 工作的人,我希望他们能修复一下他们那个该死的所谓前沿模型。它在编写 Typst 时还是错误太多。
Other than that, All right, let's try it again.
Sorry for missing the first two.
Will you create a journal like the TUGboat of the LaTeX's?
你们会创建一个像 LATEX 的 TUGboat 那样的期刊吗?
I see? So, TUGboat like journal for that? What I think we would first need to the host conference, which I think is quite an escalation from the meetup. When we organize the meetup we, well, like, oh, we have accidentally organized the conference, but Laurenz, what do you think about it? Is TUGboat our style, or are we more casual than that?
我明白了?所以,TUGboat 就像是这方面的期刊?我认为我们首先需要主办会议,这比聚会规模大多了。当我们组织聚会时,就像,哦,我们不小心组织了一场会议。Laurenz,你觉得怎么样?TUGboat 是我们的风格吗,还是我们更随意一些?
Emm, well, I don't know. But in any case, I agree that it is too early and our resources are already spread too thin.
All right, there's another request.
Don't leave us standing in the rain here. Yeah, after we said, yeah.
Going to re-invite us. Going to hear from the stars.
Absolutely of them, indeed.
Please allow using inside path outside the root folder. I use image of college logo on my assignment template. I hvae to copy it in all my assignments folders. You can use either a private package or if you really want to, you can set the route to slash, but you should just create a private package.
yes? And instructions on how that could be accomplished for local installations can be found where.
excuse me, it's your turn. Okay, it's for ?.
I think that the documentation cover that should be improved like, like all documentation, but for now it is just README.
我认为文档覆盖范围应该改进,比如所有文档,但目前只有 README。
And I would also like to add, if you're a Linux user who's using the Typst Snap due to how snaps are confined, private packages aren't supported in Snaps. You need to install Typst in another way, and for Ubuntu, that would be manually downloading the binary and placing it in your path. And for Debian, it's the same in...
我还想补充一点,如果你是 Linux 用户,并且因为 Snap 的限制而使用 Typst Snap,那么 Snap 不支持私有包。你需要用其他方式安装 Typst,对于 Ubuntu 来说,需要手动下载二进制文件并将其放在你的路径中。对于 Debian 来说,也是一样的...
Another option to say that if you are a Linux user, please upgrade to save the environment.
另一种说法是,如果你是 Linux 用户,请升级以保存环境。
Except if you're using Snap. Except if you're using the Snap because the update for the Snap isn't available yet because I had the token for me to publish on has expired in the computer where I can renewed that as in the office and I have done home office today.
除非你用的是 Snap。 除非你用的是 Snap,因为 Snap 的更新还没出来,因为我在 上发布东西的 token 过期了,而我可以在办公室的电脑上更新它,但我今天居家办公。
Speaking, but we could not hear.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Invited you to the stage. You need to somehow accept this? I don't know how.
Yeah, we are only speaking from the privileged position of stage administrators here.
It seems to be complex.
Okay, let's try it again.
Yeah, Andrew says you might need to rejoin the call.
Okay, he's gone.
He's here again. And .
yes, yes, yeah, sorry about that. Previously, it offered me to leave the stage but not join it. Yeah, sorry for the for the delay.
I wanted to ask my question because it's, was at the top now anyway, so quite at the top, so I asked about planned, web app features that maybe are not confidential or maybe web app features, features that you wish to implement part are not yet close on your roadmap. And one that came to my mind was ser letters and stuff like that. So stuff that is not doing one single document from from a project, but maybe something more than that we have actually talked about that recently about how we would design that. I think that's also something where like generally we like to design the web Hu in the close, but I think this might actually be something where I would be interested in a bit more open design because for the serial thing, so you need to have we need to populate this zestar inputs. And I want to do this in a way where we don't replicate all the like CSV, XML, JSON reading again in the web app. So we're kind of trying to figure out what is the best way to expose that.
我想问我的问题,因为它现在已经在最上面了,反正就在最上面,所以我问了关于计划中的 Web 应用程序功能,这些功能可能不是机密的,或者可能是 Web 应用程序的功能,你希望实现但尚未确定在你的路线图上的功能。我想到的一个就是系列信件之类的东西。所以,不是从一个项目中生成单个文档,而是比这更多的东西。我们最近实际上已经讨论过如何设计它。我认为这也是一个方面,一般来说,我们喜欢在内部设计 Web 界面,但我认为这实际上可能是一个我更感兴趣进行更开放设计的事情,因为对于系列信件,你需要填充这些 Zestar 输入。我想以一种方式做到这一点,即我们不必在 Web 应用程序中再次复制所有的 CSV、XML、JSON 读取。所以我们正在努力弄清楚什么是最好的方式来暴露它。
There needs to be some way to have a list, basically, and it probably should be a file.
The question is, how does the file behave in relation to the project? Can the entries in the list contain structured data? If yes, how is it serialized and passed to Typst? Questions like this. And then in like further questions, two Typst Pro users have the opportunity to fetch this data from an API. If so, how can it be shared amongst team? Is it maybe a form that others can complete?
问题是,这个文件与项目之间的关系如何?列表中的条目是否可以包含结构化数据?如果可以,如何序列化并传递给 Typst?诸如此类的问题。还有,如果 Typst Pro 用户有机会从 API 获取这些数据,那么如何在团队中共享?它是否可以是一个其他人可以填写的表格?
Yeah, and maybe because Typst Pro. Now also the topic regarding the getting into the testing of new Typst Pro features and tests being confidential. Are there any collaborative features that I planned to be tested in this way? And in that case, how would the confidentially apply to testing these collaborative features with selected colleagues that maybe we as that pro users trust .
是的,也许是因为 Typst Pro。现在还有关于测试新的 Typst Pro 功能以及测试保密性的问题。我计划以这种方式测试哪些协作功能吗?如果是这样,保密性如何适用于与我们信任的选定同事一起测试这些协作功能?
so? What I want to say in terms of confidentiality is don't post about it on the internet. So as long as that can be done, then I think we are good. And you're free to use these features with Chester colleagues or friends or collaborators.
Thank you?
So, okay, so I wanted to briefly mention, so everyone about some of my ongoing work. Fortunately, I don't have like some usual thing to show this time, but I'm excited to announce that I've been working on bringing multiple headers and footers to tables. You'll be able to soon, maybe hopefully in the next version, everything goes right.
You're able to have like subheader subfolders in your tables. So that's very useful for like table sections, that kind of stuff where you have like a global table header with like with what each column means. And then you can have like a sub header for like some specific detail of some part of the table and long and kind of stuff. So I think this exciting. And of course, I hope to, in the future, work more exciting table stuff. So I want to be for maybe Laurenz, could one say something about this, but something eventually want to talk more in the future, which would be nice bit to fix that bug, which everyone keeps asking me about regarding able to style table hazards and screws which show such rules.
你可以在表格中拥有像子标题、子文件夹这样的结构。这对于表格分节之类的情况非常有用,比如你有一个全局的表头,说明每一列的含义。然后你可以为表格的某个部分的特定细节设置一个子标题等等。所以我认为这很令人兴奋。当然,我希望将来能做更多令人兴奋的表格相关的东西。我想也许劳伦茨可以对此说些什么,但最终我想在未来更多地谈论这件事,如果能修复那个大家一直在问我的关于表格标题和规则样式的 bug,那就太好了。
Yeah, I think that would be that's a priority the future as well because yeah, very common request and being the future as well, being able to have better like minimization of tables to show rules and like, for example, a common request is being able to like find the last row and that stuff. So that's something that comes to mind. The future, maybe there could be some more work on that in the future. But yeah, for now, that's but I want to say .
if people want to find the last row, I just realized they probably want to use a photo, right?
What do you mean like I'm speaking mostly genetic. Where people sometimes want to have a guy on the table where you can say like the last line read something.
And exactly what I mean is basically that probably they want that because it's semantically a photo. Yeah, that was.
yeah. Yeah, most of the time, yes. But, it's hard to do that like in a showroom.
大部分时候是的。 但是,在展厅里很难做到。
Now you basically need to generate the photo already in the table call.
Yeah exactly. So like one crazy idea ahead. So maybe just kind of brainstorming this. Maybe the community can give some input to. But Gray's idea ahead was to provide some sort of like way to access like the all the final positions and roles of everything and there some like methods or something in the table show role. It sounds good, and I'm not sure if it entirely solves the problem. But I guess let's give you the last word at least.
是的,没错。所以,有一个疯狂的想法。也许只是集思广益一下。 也许社区可以提供一些意见。 Gray 的想法是提供某种方式来访问所有最终位置和角色,并在表格显示角色中提供一些方法或类似的东西。听起来不错,我不确定它是否完全解决了问题。但我想至少让你最后发言。
Anyway, but yeah.
requested to come to the stage. Oh, sorry.
yeah I'm done. So yeah, we call Rubik's, I think .
我好了。所以,我们叫它 Rubik's,我觉得。
there is a table for chess.
Yeah, yep, there's table storages, yeah.
All right, let's invite my group X to the stage. Hello, hey, how are you doing? I'm doing good.
好的,让我们邀请…上台。 喂,你们好吗? 我很好。
Well, I just wanted to ask.
currently types is using the wasmeier time to execute WebAssembly plugins and with the latest change to make multithread.
目前 Typst 使用 Wasmer 运行时来执行 WebAssembly 插件,并且最新的更改使其支持多线程。
it also a greatly improved performance already.
but I was .
just wanted to ask still on the table .
to maybe switch to a more performance runtime.
like maybe was some time or something.
and then use the native browser runtime in the web app. That's a question which we have thought about recently. And within this context, it's not as easy as switching out the runtime when something like typst Enterprise Edition has come up and been rejected by for the moment. Laurenz can more on this.
然后在 Web 应用中使用原生浏览器运行时。这是我们最近一直在考虑的问题。在这种情况下,替换运行时并不像 Typst 企业版那样简单,目前已经被拒绝了。Laurenzcan 会详细介绍。
So for now, it's not really on the table because wasmtime is, in my opinion, too large of a burden in terms of dependence account and portability. So first of all, wasmtime can not run anywhere because it uses JIT compilation so that there's something that I wouldn't want to see the typst library to depend on the hardware architecture in that way. But even if you would say okay, and architectures are not supported, we switch out towards me or something, I think the dependency burden is too large.
所以目前,这还不在考虑范围内,因为在我看来,wasmtime 在依赖项和可移植性方面负担太重。首先,wasmtime 无法在任何地方运行,因为它使用 JIT 编译,我不希望 Typst 库以这种方式依赖硬件架构。但即使你说可以,某些架构不支持,我们切换到 wasmer 或其他东西,我认为依赖负担也太大了。
And just in time, compilation also adds a text surface to the Typst compiler because it more closely interacts with the matter.
并且即时编译也增加了 Typst 编译器的攻击面,因为它与硬件的交互更加紧密。
I was thinking maybe it would be possible to have the system kind of runtime-agnostic and
be able to choose the runtime as a user. So maybe that the CLI one could choose to use wasmtime, but still use wasmi a default to keep being portable.
能够让用户选择运行时。 这样,CLI 可以选择使用 wasmtime,但仍然默认使用 wasmi 以保持可移植性。
It's something that we have discussed a bit recently also with @Myriad-Dreamin from tinymist. And something that would be necessary to support the browser runtime in the web app? I'm not yet sure. So this may sound egoistical, but I wouldn't really like it if. The Typst CLI was by default just slow or slower than or get your custom Typst built with higher performance here. Oh, for this package, you need to use this customized version because it will be too slow. Otherwise, I see how it it might not be better to just be slow, but it is a concern I have about splitting things up and having different classes. Of performance along way?
最近我们和来自 Tinymist 的纸夜也讨论过这个问题。 为了支持 Web 应用程序中的浏览器运行时,这似乎是必要的?我还不确定。听起来可能有点自私,但我不太希望 Typst CLI 默认情况下速度很慢,或者比你自己构建的、性能更高的 Typst 慢。比如,“对于这个包,你需要使用这个定制版本,否则会太慢。” 否则,我觉得还不如慢一点,但我担心的是,将东西拆分并拥有不同性能等级会带来问题。
Okay, thanks for your answers.
Thank you? All right, I think we only have 15 minutes left in this call, so how about we do some quick answers? But I think Laurenz and I are gonna go to the audience Q&A and Slido and we are alternatingly gonna answer questions with one sentence and Laurenz, I can start exactly, is there an option for nonprofit clubs in regards to Typst Pro? And we're currently not offering special pricing, but perhaps Typst Pro special pricing in on premises is available.
谢谢。好的,我想我们这次通话只剩下 15 分钟了,不如我们快速回答一些问题?Laurenz 和我将去观众问答环节和 Slido,我们会轮流用一句话回答问题。Laurenz,我可以开始了,Typst Pro 是否为非营利俱乐部提供选项?我们目前没有提供特别定价,但也许 Typst Pro 的本地部署版本可以提供特别定价。
Are there any plans to enhance scripting, for example Object-oriented programming (OOP) or generally satisfied with the syntax? There are no plans. Well, I guess the custom types is OOP in a sense. So I guess there are plans, but no inheritance, and I like the syntax.
是否有增强脚本的计划,例如面向对象,或者对当前语法总体满意?没有计划。嗯,我猜自定义类型在某种意义上是 OOP。所以我想是有计划的,但没有继承,并且喜欢现在的语法。
I'm going to skip. Here? I'm cheating, Okay? Then I'm going to answer us. Okay?
The status is the feature request exists and will maybe be considered alongside general styling improvements in the medium term .
and for any functions. That's basically when we ship type annotations, the custom elements will likely go along with that and allow you to different type set of targets for sure rules .
and maybe flip it around a bit and custom types, but not necessarily ship with type annotations. I'm not yet sure this one will ship with the custom types. I think there's one more question for me. I'm sorry, there has been discussion about Typst's memory use before. Has there been any progress in that area, especially since the bug is limited to 4 GB, there's no current progress, and I would like to optimize it, but again, probably more of a medium term thing.
也许可以稍微调整一下,使用自定义类型,但不一定与类型注解一起发布。我还不确定这个是否会包含自定义类型。我想我还有一个问题。抱歉,之前已经讨论过 Typst 的内存使用问题。这方面有什么进展吗?特别是考虑到 bug 限制在 4GB,目前还没有进展,我很想优化它,但这可能更多的是一个中期目标。
Will Typst sort of get more languages with spells? We talked about this today, and in particular looking at adding a German dictionary, which has a license that works with our web app versus GPL. If you request a language, for example, via email to us, then we will look if we can locate a dictionary and edit.
Typst 会增加更多带拼写检查的语言吗?我们今天讨论过这个问题,特别是考虑添加一个德语词典,它的许可证适用于我们的 Web 应用程序,而不是 GPL。如果你通过电子邮件向我们请求某种语言,我们会看看是否能找到一个词典并添加它。
I mean, there are bunch of features, guys. I'm not sure how realistic that is. Maybe you can send us an email with a link to a dictionary that we can look, whether we can use it.
yeah? How far will the compatibility between PDF and HTML go? So it will not be pixel perfect because we aren't going to determine the page breaks for your pages and print a footer at each of those page breaks. But other than that, I think that we can target a pretty faithful reproduction of your print document at the highest level. But there will be multiple levels where you can choose semantic vs. like full styling.
PDF 和 HTML 的兼容性会达到什么程度?不会做到像素级别完美,因为我们不会去决定你页面的分页,也不会在每个分页处打印页脚。但除此之外,我认为我们可以尽可能忠实地还原你的打印文档,达到最高水平。不过会有多个级别供你选择,比如语义化优先还是完整样式优先。
And semantic will be the first priority and full styling only later.
Okay, then go ahead.
This will eventually be possible. Multiple HTML files and Typst compiler, Yes, and, publishing something from the web app and having also also, yes, but further down the road, I think so yes, will be possible.
这最终会成为可能。多个 HTML 文件和 Typst 编译器,是的,还有从 Web 应用程序发布内容,是的,但那是更长远的目标,我认为是的,这将会成为可能。
What about vector math support? Not something I see right now in the compiler. I would leave that to packages for now, especially with custom types.
What about improving this file link? Previous, I actually talked about this today. GitHub is are amazing, would be great to have something similar for documentation, problem is the penalty of generating them. But if we can get some good caching going, I think that could be nice.
如何改进这个文件链接?之前,我今天实际上谈到了这个问题。GitHub 在这方面很棒,如果能有类似的东西用于文档会很好,问题是生成它们的代价。但如果我们能做好缓存,我认为这会很不错。
Any plans for dynamic modules like a dictionary to model transformation? Now that we can already do dynamic WASM plugins? Yes, I think this would be a fairly easy PR. It should discuss a bit about how this will be constructed, but yes. Regarding the counter rule, what are your main concerns? Look what your and PR 5 7. I haven't looked what that is, but I guess it's the boat has a kind of. I must admit that I still haven't really gotten to that because I'm right now. I was focused a lot on the release and right now I need to work a bit on the web side. I will get back to that, but I can't say anything right now.
有没有计划做像字典到模型转换这样的动态模块?既然我们已经可以做动态 WASM 插件了?是的,我觉得这应该是一个比较容易的 PR。应该稍微讨论一下这个怎么构建,但是是的。关于计数器规则,你主要的顾虑是什么?看看你的 PR 5 7。我还没看过那是什么,但我猜它有点像船。我必须承认我还没真正开始做那个,因为我现在主要专注于发布,现在我需要做一些 Web 端的工作。我会回去做的,但现在我不能说什么。
Where do you see in 10 years? Easy completely has superseded Latex. And not only that, but it has also become a great platform and to build your own document solutions upon and has been the standard for technical writing outside of academia.
你觉得 10 年后会是什么样?Typst 完全取代了 LATEX。不仅如此,它还成为了一个很棒的平台,可以在此基础上构建你自己的文档解决方案,并且成为了学术界以外的技术写作的标准。
Is some basic string formatting a la formatting Rust expected to be available for ... or something like is not needed for very basic needs? I would like to see string interpolation with hashtag or hash expressions. I think I'm not yet really sold on these format strings with there are the columns and hashes and numbers in them. I think they're always a bit, to be honest. I would rather see, like to see some nice composable functions for that. This call would feel more approachable if you guys turned the camera on. Maybe yes. But then we can give more to the void.
是否会像 Rust 那样提供一些基本的字符串格式化功能……,或者说对于非常基本的需求来说并不需要?我希望看到使用井号或哈希表达式进行字符串插值。说实话,我还没完全接受那些带有列、哈希和数字的 f-string。我总觉得它们有点……我更希望看到一些不错的、可组合的函数来实现这个功能。如果你们能打开摄像头,这次通话会让人感觉更亲切。也许吧。但那样我们可能会给虚空提供更多东西。
Yeah, we know the feedback and it would be interesting to hear in the chat if more people share the sentiment.
I think we answered this one already. The answer here was it's good for some more low level drawing parameters will be added especially, especially something like Canvas, we can consider, but we don't necessarily target. Having charting in the compiler?
我想我们已经回答过这个问题了。答案是,添加一些更多低级的绘图参数会很好,特别是像 Canvas 这样的东西,我们可以考虑,但我们不一定以此为目标。在编译器中加入图表功能?
This one is also for you.
If there are two components to this, one is export importing packages from arbitrary Git locations with the compiler. Basically, the security implication here that any package could contain a link to a malicious server, that the Typst would then hit, and then you could exfiltrate some information through that. So Typst will need to ask the user before I'd contacted small type service and I'm the web app.
如果这里有两个组成部分,一个是使用编译器从任意 Git 位置导出导入包。基本上,这里的安全隐患是任何包都可能包含指向恶意服务器的链接,Typst 会访问该服务器,然后你就可以通过它泄露一些信息。所以 Typst 需要在联系小型类型服务和 Web 应用程序之前询问用户。
I think we're not talking about packages, but we're talking about good integration in the web app.
我认为我们不是在讨论包,而是在讨论 Web 应用程序中的良好集成。
get integration in the web app? Um. Their support for arbitrary Git servers is blocking that the nodejs implementation that we're using. It's not supporting SSH auth and we don't want to store your password because we know that you are reusing it. And we need to store that in plain text, but we don't have SSH support that in with the CLI. So we need to either contribute that or wait until somebody else does it before we can support this.
网页应用的 Git 集成?嗯。我们使用的 NodeJS 实现不支持任意 Git 服务器,这阻碍了集成。它不支持 SSH 认证,而且我们不想存储你的密码,因为我们知道你可能会重复使用它。我们需要以明文形式存储密码,但 CLI 中没有 SSH 支持。所以我们需要贡献代码,或者等待其他人完成,才能支持这个功能。
Well, I have some articles I'd like to write for my blog. I think one article that would be fun to write is about currently existing quadratic runtime in Call me My, our incremental compilation library and my plan and how to fix it. But I don't know when I'll get to that or whether I'll write it.
我想为我的博客写几篇文章。我觉得写一篇关于 Call me My(我们的增量编译库)中目前存在的二次运行时,以及我的计划和如何修复它的文章会很有趣。但我不知道什么时候能写,或者是否会写。
Okay, next question. Wondering if we possibly to find customer element that then we talked a bunch about that it's a high priority, but not for 0.4. It's not possible to manage that in that time frame. But next to HTML and PDF, it is one of the higher priorities. There are no plans to switch from equal sign to a hashtag or switch number around. There's a bunch of discussions about it in different places. I think it just looks worse.
好的,下一个问题。想知道我们是否有可能找到自定义元素,我们已经讨论了很多,这是一个高优先级,但不是 0.4 版本。在这个时间范围内无法实现。但在 HTML 和 PDF 之后,它是优先级最高的任务之一。目前没有计划将等号改为井号,或者改变数字的顺序。关于这个问题有很多讨论,在不同的地方都有。我觉得那样看起来更糟。
Will there be a summary of this call? Yes, morph is working on one and it will be posted to January after the call. I think I did good, so I've been writing everything down, no worries.
这次通话会有总结吗?是的,morph 正在写,通话结束后会发布到 January。我觉得我做得很好,我一直在记录所有内容,不用担心。
Can you provide access to the standards defining it? I think both of these standards can be found on the internet.
Yeah, it was posted in the chat before by Silly Freak. It's in section 12.7 of the PDF 1.7 spec and that is publicly available as well. Recently, since recently, the PDF 2.0 spec that has superseded it. What must be noted is that the PDF 1.7 spec still refers to XML forms architecture in some places, which has been deprecated in PDF 2.0 and shouldn't be used, and that is more difficult to locate than that.
对,Silly Freak 之前在聊天里发过了。它在 PDF 1.7 规范的 12.7 节中,而且是公开的。最近,PDF 2.0 规范已经取代了它。需要注意的是,PDF 1.7 规范在某些地方仍然引用 XML forms architecture,但在 PDF 2.0 中已被弃用,不应该使用,而且比 PDF 2.0 规范更难找到。
But you don't need it, so don't look at it. Yeah, the forum doesn't share like same deployment path as the remainder of the website and I haven't gotten around switching that around, but good call. And I will put it on my Twitter list of our Wis 2 FA from of the web app.
但你不需要它,所以别去找了。论坛的部署路径和网站的其他部分不一样,我还没来得及改,不过提得好。我会把它放到我的 Twitter 列表里,作为我们……网页应用。
Basically, you need to tell us that it is a blocking feature for page adoption of Typst in your organization, and then we'll have a look at it and prioritize it. But the web development pipeline is quite full at the moment, and it's something we want to do, but we don't currently have the capacity for. So maybe this year. And finally, I saw someone was to hire a jobs expert for their team to plan to offer support for teams. Officially, we do already to multiple companies or do any other insights into this position. So first of all, if you need support with helps, you can always ask us. But I understand that some people want to have like a Typst person in on their staff, just like they have JavaScript developer and their staff. And I think it's wonderful that the Typst of ecosystem can support positions like this.
基本上,你需要告诉我们,这是 Typst 在你组织中页面采用的一个阻碍性功能,然后我们会看看并优先考虑它。但目前 Web 开发流程相当满,这是我们想做的事情,但我们目前没有能力做。所以也许今年可以。最后,我看到有人想为他们的团队招聘 Typst 专家,以便为团队提供支持。正式来说,我们已经为多家公司提供支持,或者对这个职位有任何其他见解。所以首先,如果你需要帮助,你可以随时问我们。但我理解有些人希望他们的员工中有一个 Typst 人员,就像他们有 JavaScript 开发人员一样。我认为 Typst 生态系统能够支持这样的职位是很棒的。
Okay, and finally, the typst's official suggestion button to vendor packages and templates that will sometimes listening, tweaking, and something like that. Definitely I've considered that. All right, and with that, I think we clear the questions. Laurenz, any closing words?
好的,最后是 Typst 官方建议的将软件包和模板进行供应商化的按钮,它会时不时地监听、调整等等。我肯定考虑过这一点。好的,这样我们就把所有问题都解决了。Laurenz,有什么结束语吗?
It was definitely fast clearing of the questions. I think we spoke so many words already .
And definitely a lot of words, tremendous amounts of words.
So I think that plays us it up pretty much.
You were just briefly unmuted. I thought you wanted to say something.
Yeah, you said that it was a good time. Really enjoy the call.
And I hope you did too, in the audience. And thanks to everyone who has gone on stage and spoken. And we will send out more reminders to our speakers next time to join the call. And we will collect the Discord handle so we can ping them. So the next time that we announce sessions on the call, I think we have a good chance that it will actually happen. And with that, I can only thank everyone again for coming and for being so engaged with Typst in our community.
我也希望听众们也喜欢。感谢所有上台发言的人。下次我们会给我们的演讲者发送更多提醒,让他们加入通话。我们会收集 Discord 账号,这样我们就可以 ping 他们了。所以下次我们在通话中宣布会议时,我认为我们很有可能让它真正发生。最后,我只能再次感谢大家的光临,以及对 Typst 和我们社区的积极参与。
Yeah, also from my side, thank you.
All right.
See you all.